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We find in this Forum the lovely colt Alaska and take him to us , to German. He is wonderful and lovely :luv: . He is standing in a group from stallions and all are his friends. We dont want miss him. Yesterday we have take photos from him and I want to show you his development. Thanks for Laetitia and Laurence and the other whou help.

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Ich freue mich zu sehen wie hübsch und gross er geworden ist.
Ich sehe das die bindung zwischen deinen Mann und ihm noch genauso stark ist. Er hat wirklich eine gabe um mit Pferden zu komunizieren und Alaska, konnte wirklich keine bessere Familie, um ihm beim Hengst werden, zu begleiten, finden.
Danke das sie sich so gut um ihn kümmern.


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Oh thank you Laetitia and the other. tre He loves people . And he is a big baby wxc We have tested his DNA and the labor say that he is a real silver dapple like his father. We have good hairy black mares - so when Askan an are a good stallion, we take him for our breed later. Here is his side at our homepage - maby some of you wat to take a look.
And here are more pictures from the same day like the pictures here

And here are pictures with him and the other boys

Sorry for my bad english.

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He has a good evolution and he looks like his father!
He will be a beautiful stallion !

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